


🇯🇵SINAFU全身保濕亮白柚子噴霧-200ml 可噴出微粒細緻霧狀的噴霧,可讓肌膚柔軟潤澤明亮的身體用化妝水。每次使用都可以聞到柚子香氣讓心靈放鬆、舒緩壓力、清新保濕、美白亮膚 添加植物性美肌成分香橙籽萃取、香橙果萃取、草莓虎耳萃取、熊果素等, 成分 不使用礦物油、防腐劑、合成色素、矽靈 敏感肌也能安心使用 💰68 SINAFU All-Body Moisturizing Brightening Grapefruit Fragrance Spray - 200ml** This spray features a fine mist that helps soften and hydrate your skin, leaving it bright and radiant. With each use, you can enjoy the refreshing scent of grapefruit, which promotes relaxation, alleviates stress, and provides a hydrating and brightening effect. It is enriched with plant-based beauty ingredients such as orange seed extract, orange fruit extract, strawberry saxifrage extract, and arbutin. - No mineral oil, preservatives, synthetic dyes, or silicone used. - Safe for sensitive skin. 💰68
