Sweety Brunch 抗敏降紅修復精華 10ml



Sweety Brunch 抗敏降紅修復精華 10ml 💁🏻‍♀️適合急救及重點舒緩之用,有效降敏,修復及舒緩敏感皮膚,乾敏肌必備 💚超濃縮精華液有助於舒緩,修復和保護敏感肌膚 💚促進膠原蛋白的生成,幫助強化皮膚屏障 💚含有燕麥和植物活性成份,能滲透至肌膚深層 💚抵抗致敏源,減少敏感帶來的不適,舒緩灼熱和瘙癢 💚含月見草油,葵花籽和鱷梨提取物,幫助強化肌膚天然屏障,防禦外來刺激 💚不含人造香料和色素 💰$79一支 Sweety Brunch Allergy Control Reducing and Repairing Serum 10ml 💁🏻‍♀️ Suitable for emergency relief and targeted soothing, effectively reduces sensitivity, repairs and soothes sensitive skin, essential for dry and sensitive skin 💚 Super-concentrated essence helps soothe, repair, and protect sensitive skin 💚 Promotes collagen production, helping to strengthen the skin barrier 💚 Contains oat and plant active ingredients that penetrate deep into the skin 💚 Resists allergens, reduces discomfort caused by sensitivity, soothes burning and itching 💚 Contains evening primrose oil, sunflower seed, and avocado extracts, helping to strengthen the skin's natural barrier and defend against external stress 💚 Free of artificial fragrances and colors 💰 $79 per unit

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