


🥥椰子檸檬身體磨砂浴鹽 💁🏻‍♀️去除老廢角質,改善粗糙及膚色暗啞,用後肌膚亮澤柔滑,展現緊緻彈性膚質 這款磨砂膏富含有豐富抗氧化劑和維生素E,能夠瞬間去除死皮細胞,增強肌膚光澤 有效緩解乾燥、龜裂或濕疹等皮膚症狀,溫和顆粒去除角質,滋潤皮膚,預防痤瘡
椰子粉末富含蛋白質,有助於提升細胞健康和組織修復 🚩用法: 淋浴:先濕身,將適量浴鹽塗抹在皮膚上或有需要去角質的部位,輕力的揉搓按摩至浴鹽溶化,再清洗乾淨即可 浸浴:取適量浴鹽放入水中,浸浴約10 - 25 分鐘後洗淨 💰$89 @250g Coconut Lemon Body Scrub Bath Salt This product removes dead skin cells, improves roughness, and brightens dull complexions, leaving the skin radiant and smooth, while revealing a firm and elastic texture. This scrub is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which help to instantly eliminate dead skin cells and enhance skin radiance. It effectively alleviates symptoms such as dryness, cracking, or eczema, gently exfoliating the skin while providing moisture and preventing acne. Lemon oil cleanses and protects the epidermis; it acts as an antioxidant that whitens and protects the skin. Coconut powder, rich in protein, aids in enhancing cellular health and tissue repair. Directions: For Showering: Wet your body. Apply an appropriate amount of bath salt to the skin or areas that need exfoliation, and gently rub and massage until the salt dissolves, then rinse thoroughly. For Bathing: Add an appropriate amount of bath salt to warm water, and soak for about 10 to 25 minutes before rinsing off. 💰$89 for 250g
