


🇹🇭Jamsai葉綠素膠原蛋白飲(10包裝) 💁🏻‍♀️含多種綠色超級食品和天然抗氧化劑,泰式斑斕味容易入口 含有38種super foods 及膳食纖維,比一般青汁抗氧化效果更強,高纖無糖 人們在植物中發現綠色的色素,葉綠素負責為植物吸收和轉化來自太陽的能量 幫助維持身體的PH值平衡 葉綠素是一種天然來源的抗氧化劑,用於保護細胞免受自由基損傷 提供維生素、維持體內酶的活性,有排毒作用 幫助消除體味、減輕痛經、改善痛風、貧血 能夠有效平衡人體的酸鹼水平、抑制自由基、促進新陳代謝 對延緩衰老、促進消化、供應大量鐵質、抗毒、防癌、清熱去毒起著重要的作用 膠原蛋白能增加皮膚彈性,防止老化跡象,如黃褐斑,雀斑 具有排毒作用,促進光亮肌膚的再生。 抗衰老,強身健體,增強抵抗力 💚男女皆宜;兒童和孕婦均可使用 🚩飲用方法: 每天1包,使用約80ml水混合早上8點之前是最佳服用時間,營養吸收最好 💰$59(10包@10g) 🇹🇭 Jamsai Chlorophyll Collagen plus 💁🏻‍♀️ Contains a variety of green superfoods and natural antioxidants, suitable for a daily health detox program. Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants, is responsible for absorbing and converting energy from the sun. Helps maintain the body's pH balance. Chlorophyll is a naturally sourced antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. Provides vitamins and maintains the activity of internal enzymes, aiding in detoxification. Helps reduce body odor, alleviate menstrual pain, improve gout, and address anemia. Effectively balances the body's acid-base levels, inhibits free radicals, and promotes metabolism. Plays an important role in delaying aging, promoting digestion, supplying a large amount of iron, detoxifying, preventing cancer, and clearing heat and toxins. Collagen increases skin elasticity and prevents signs of aging such as age spots and freckles. Offers detoxifying effects and promotes the regeneration of radiant skin. Anti-aging, strengthens the body, and boosts immunity. 💚 Suitable for both men and women; safe for children and pregnant women. 🚩 Directions: Take 1 pack daily, mixed with about 80ml of water. The best time to consume is before 8 AM for optimal nutrient absorption. 💰 $59 (10 sachets @ 10g)
