🇯🇵日本MY ROYAL臍帶胎盤引流精華



🇯🇵日本MY ROYAL臍帶胎盤引流精華 💁‍♀️獲得眾多用家100%好評的精華👍🏻 💁🏼‍♀️即時改善粗糙、暗沈、敏感等皮膚問題 #sweety_brunch臍帶精華 主要功效: ⭐️增強底肌自我含水量 ⭐️醒膚、煥膚、活化、抗氧化 ⭐️超強抗衰老、抗皺 ⭐️平衡肌膚水油平衡 ⭐️修復角質層和軟化 ⭐️緊緻、恢復年輕水嫩 👍🏻超好吸收的水狀精華! 一上面能夠立即滲透肌底‼️ 能夠即時舒緩敏感皮膚‼️ 增強底肌自我含水量醒膚、煥膚、活化、抗氧化 超強抗衰老、抗皺 平衡肌膚水油平衡 修復角質層和軟化 緊緻、逆齡,恢復年輕肌膚,水嫩肌膚,讓您容光煥發 🚩使用方法: 潔面後立即使用,倒在手心立即拍上臉,然後馬上在臉上塗抹開,一定要快,因為吸收極強,用完會有即時收緊的感覺 第二天馬上感到肌膚明顯變滑,毛孔收細,出油量減少 可妝前使用,令妝容更持久 使用1星期,皮膚會明顯改善,毛孔變細,痘疤和斑點減淡,皮膚像雞蛋那麼滑和水潤 可以取代爽膚水及精華,亦可在護膚步驟後使用,幫助護膚品吸收 💰120ml瓶裝 $199 🇯🇵Japan MY ROYAL Placenta Essence 120ml 💁‍♀️A highly acclaimed essence with 100% positive reviews from numerous users👍🏻 💁🏼‍♀️Instantly improves skin problems such as roughness, dullness, and sensitivity Main benefits: ⭐️Enhances the skin's self-moisturizing ability ⭐️Revitalizes, brightens, activates, and provides anti-oxidation benefits ⭐️Super anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effects ⭐️Balances the skin's water and oil levels ⭐️Repairs the corneal layer and softens it ⭐️Firms and restores youthful and tender skin 👍🏻A highly absorbent water-like essence! It can penetrate the skin immediately upon application‼️ It can instantly soothe sensitive skin‼️ Enhances the skin's self-moisturizing ability, revitalizes, brightens, activates, and provides anti-oxidation benefits. Super anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effects. Balances the skin's water and oil levels. Repairs the corneal layer and softens it. Firms, reverses aging, restores youthful and tender skin, and makes you glow with radiance. 🚩Instructions for use: Use immediately after cleansing by pouring it onto your palm and patting it onto your face, then spread it quickly over your face. Be quick as it is highly absorbent, and you will feel an immediate tightening sensation upon completion. The next day, you will notice that your skin has become noticeably smoother, your pores have become smaller, and your oil production has decreased. Can be used before applying makeup to make it more long-lasting. After one week of use, your skin will significantly improve, with smaller pores, reduced acne scars and spots, and skin as smooth and moist as an egg. Can replace toner and serum, and can be used after your regular skincare routine to help with absorption. 💰$199 (120ml)
